
Shotgun farmers codes 2020
Shotgun farmers codes 2020

shotgun farmers codes 2020

  • Added ladders to graveside to get up onto moseleums.
  • Toggle for including GMO rooms in matchmaking added to under the Find Match button.
  • XP gain is now allowed in tournament mode due to popular demand.
  • shotgun farmers codes 2020

  • New Option for toggle crouch (press to crouch, press again to uncrouch).
  • Progress bar for items you can unlock in the Customize menu.
  • Customize menu will grey out certain tabs that aren't compatible with certain skins.
  • Search bar has been added to the Customize menu.
  • New Input device setting in Options menu for voice chat.
  • HayK47 +3 damage buff and less damage falloff.
  • Sudden Death music start when someone reached final tier in Crop Swap.

    New Streaming options - allow commands, mod only commands, command cooldown, room code sharing settings.Lobby Browser now has filters and shows Mutators.New Mutator settings in Create Room - choose special match settings like Low Gravity, Double Jump, and Vampire Farmer.Added Onionade spawn points to all maps.


    This update was released September, 22nd 2021

    shotgun farmers codes 2020

  • Fixed Wave HUD not showing when you join a horde match late.
  • Fixed gamepad navigating down from the search input field in Customize menu not working if you didn't search for anything.
  • Fixed ESC button and back button when choosing horde or practice not always navigating correctly.
  • Fixed being able to join horde waves higher than unlocked value.
  • Fixed horde wave buttons letting you play waves higher than unlocked value.
  • AI players are no longer supported in horde mode.
  • Terroriser hat no longer includes the glasses.
  • Allow bots toggle in Create Room is greyed out for Horde and Tournament.
  • Added eyewear support for the pumpkin heads.
  • Can change eye color for pumpkin hats, zombear head, skeleton skin, and others.
  • Added Northern Ireland and Bahrain badges.
  • New tab in character creator shows event only items.
  • None, All & Random buttons for map selection in Create Room.
  • New Mutators: Always Invisible & Big Heads.
  • Trying to join a horde wave room via lobby browser that you dont qualify for will show an error popup.
  • Training level to serve as the tutorial.
  • Firing Range to practice your vegetable shooting!.
  • New Horde Map! Graveside Horde mode features new monsters and new bosses!.
  • New Shotgun Skins: Silver, Gold, Diamond, Grilled, and Candy Cob.

  • Grave Digger shovel skin, Candy Cob shotgun skin (yes we have gun skins now!), Bone Meal costume, I’m In Piece emote, Howl emote, and Shadey Eyes glasses.
  • New Event: Haunted Harvest - earn event tokens to unlock the new items!.
  • This update was released October, 29th 2021
  • Chickens now drop cooked dead bodies when they die.
  • Fixed Big Head mutator not working in chicken hunt (physical mutators only affect hunters).
  • Fixed Always Camo mutator not working in chicken hunt (physical mutators only affect hunters).
  • Fixed hunter weapon showing as a fist in the combat events on the top right.
  • Chickens are no longer replaced by bots in Chicken Hunt to avoid the exploit where players leave the room and chickens keep spawning.
  • When players leave and rejoin a room, the game will remember their health and reset them to that health, or kill them if they already died.
  • Chickens now cluck every time they jump to alert the farmer, but this has a 3 second cooldown to avoid spamming.
  • Scoreboard shows a ghost icon for ghost chickens.
  • Ghost chickens do less damage to grills and only have 1 HP but can respawn

    shotgun farmers codes 2020

    When a chicken dies, they respawn as a ghost Chicken.Hunters no longer collide with chicken players, fixing the exploit where you can use collision to tell them apart.Downed chickens now move faster, to be able to get away from the killer.Fixed chicken's zoom way too high when aiming down sights.Fixed ninja belt showing on the chicken hunt chicken.Fixed collider on chicken hunt chickens being way too tall.Fixed join and leave alerts not working.Fixed bot count in matches sometimes wrong.Fixed being able to open customize menu while social menu is open.Fixed double join message when players leave and join.Fixed Werewolf arm texture getting messed up after you unlock and equip the golden egg head.Fixed Werewolf pinky clipping when holding a shovel.Fixed Random button not always selecting a map when horde mode is selected in Create Room.Fixed Tournament mode not working since the update.Moved spawn points on Graveside that are behind the Capture Pig pen.Fixed spiders shooting where you were not where you are.Fixed hay needles floating in the air after killing a skeleton or shooting off a skeletons head.Added a collider around the statue in graveside during horde mode to fix exploit.Leaving a room will now reset you to your previous health, or set you to dead if you died in horde mode or chicken hunt.


    This patch was released November, 11th 2021

  • 48 Patch 1.0 - Out of early access! Launch week event!.

  • Shotgun farmers codes 2020